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Today's students are tomorrow's leaders of responsible and sustainable businesses

Projekt In Her Shoes: Empowering Women through Game-based Innovation

The main goal of this project is to bring value-oriented education to 180 secondary vocational schools in Slovakia through cooperation with the State Institute of Vocational Education. Thanks to the expansion of the compulsory professional subject Training Firm curriculum, young people will become familiar with the so-called development topics, the concept of responsible business, and other critical practices in this area. They will learn to use knowledge of environmental protection, gender equality, or equal opportunities in everyday practice in their businesses or companies.

A key element of the project is cooperation with the department of the Slovak Center for Training Firms, whose competencies enable development education to be integrated across the board, i.e., in all 180 secondary vocational schools that teach the subject Training Firm as compulsory. 


The project will enrich education at secondary schools with development education standards so that young people become ambassadors of
a conscious approach to business.

What is the project based on?

The subject "Training Firm" serves to acquire skills, abilities, and professional knowledge related to the establishment and management of a real company. For young people, it represents a bridge between theory and practice, as education takes place through the simulation of authentic practice in an educational environment. However, given the global needs of the 21st century and the efforts of countries to achieve Sustainable Development Goals, it was necessary to expand this concept to include awareness of the social and environmental impacts of businesses. Only this way can the students get the opportunity to develop their potential fully and further use it for the good of society.

Vzdelávacia hra Podnikaním k rovnosti

After completing the course, students will master relevant concepts from the field of development education. They will learn to navigate the issues of fair trade, responsible business, gender equality, equal opportunities, inclusion and diversity, or the impact of business on the environment. In a few years, they will be able to implement these principles in employment as so-called intrapreneurs (proponents of positive changes from within).

Hra Podnikaním k rovnosti je dostupná na stiahnutie zadarmo. Je intuitívna a ľahko použiteľná. Stačí si ju stiahnuť, vytlačiť a nastrihať.


Príručka Inklúzia
a rovnosť v podnikaní

Príručka Inklúzia a rovnosť v podnikaní: Tento súbor nástrojov poskytuje pedagógom a pedagogičkám a mladým ľuďom praktické poznatky a aktivity na podporu inkluzívneho podnikania. Obsahuje návody, ako vytvárať inkluzívne podnikateľské modely a stratégie a vyvaženú firemnú kultúru, ktorá podporuje spravodlivosť a rovnosť. Príručka slúži ako samostatný cenný zdroj informácií pre všetkých, ktorí sa zaujímajú o podporu inklúzie a rodovej rovnosti v podnikaní. Zároveň však môže slúžiť aj ako doplnok k vzdelávacej hre Podnikaním k rovnosti, čím ponúka cvičným firmám zdroj na prehĺbenie ich chápania rodovej rovnosti a inklúzie a práce s ňou počas celého školského roka. 

Príručka pre cvičné firmy Inklúzia a rovnosť v podnikaní je dostupná na stiahnutie zadarmo.

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1. Creation of high-quality teaching curricula and methodological materials

When and where will the project take place?

​The duration of the project is September 2022 - December 2023. We will implement the project in 180 secondary vocational schools in the Slovak Republic which offer the subject Training Firm

Trvanie projektu a partneri

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The project was supported by SlovakAid funds under no. SAMRS/2022/RV/1.

Hekima, o.z.
Donnerova 35
841 04 Bratislava

Identification number: 52354181
Bank: Fio banka
Account number: 2401817651
IBAN: SK6683300000002401817651


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The organisation is registered in the Register of non-profit organisations of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic under the registration number VVS/1-900/90-56391.

General data protection regulation Copyright © 2022 Hekima, o.z.

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